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Rwanda Market Research Company

Despite its relatively small size, Rwanda has experienced significant economic growth in recent years, driven by factors such as political stability, infrastructure development, and a growing middle class. Market research provides valuable insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and trends, enabling you and your business to tailor products and services to meet the specific needs of the Rwandan market. 

Discover our range of research techniques and uncover insights that will help you understand what customers want. We offer a number of methods and will completely tailor a package for you and your brand from our qualitative and behavioural services.

Market research in Rwanda

Agriculture remains a cornerstone of the economy, but the country is also striving to develop its mining industry, particularly in minerals like tin and tungsten. Manufacturing, particularly in textiles and garments, is also gaining momentum. The service sector, including tourism, telecommunications, and financial services, is another important driver of growth. 

Focus groups can provide valuable qualitative insights into consumer attitudes and preferences. Video surveys can be useful for reaching a wider audience, especially in rural areas with limited internet access. Online surveys can be conducted in urban areas with higher internet penetration. Additionally, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders in various industries can offer valuable insights into market dynamics and potential opportunities.

Why we offer market research projects in Rwanda:​​

  • Rapid economic growth

    • Rwanda's economy has been experiencing significant growth in recent years, making it an attractive market for businesses seeking to expand their operations.

  • Diverse industries

    • The Rwandan economy is becoming increasingly diversified, offering opportunities for market research in a wide range of sectors.

  • Unique cultural context

    • Rwanda's unique cultural heritage and social dynamics can provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences.

  • Data availability

    • While data availability may be limited in some areas, there are increasing efforts to improve data collection and analysis in Rwanda, making market research more feasible.​

Some of our recent projects in Rwanda

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